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  • Tiger Global offers to offload individual stakes in startups, BlackCat attempts to blackmail Reddit

Tiger Global offers to offload individual stakes in startups, BlackCat attempts to blackmail Reddit

PitchBook sources: After failing to find a buyer for a package of a percentage of its stakes in ~30 startups, Tiger Global told secondary investors they could bid on any private company in its portfolio; in 2021 alone, Tiger backed 315 companies across 355 deals - Link

BlackCat, a ransomware gang also known as ALPHV, claims to have stolen 80GB of data from Reddit and is threatening to release it unless the company pays a $4.5M ransom and withdraws its API pricing changes - Link

FT sources: Some internal teams at Crypto.com traded tokens for profit, while execs told other external trading houses that they were not involved in prop trading - Link

Bloomberg sources: Germany and Intel agreed on ~€10B in subsidies for the company’s new chip facility, up from ~€6.8B in late 2022 - Link

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Atreides Management's Gavin Baker joins Jason to break down the current macro picture, the AI platform shift, and the reshuffling of the entire tech deck. (1:27) They also cover the potential impact of AI recursively improving itself and extinction risks (15:06) before discussing chip demand, Nvidia's outlook, and more! (25:13) Then, Embroker's Chief Insurance Officer David Derigiotis explains how to differentiate your business with cybersecurity! (40:24) - Link

Pixar used AI, specifically neural style transfer, to animate their fire-based character, Ember, in its new film 'Elemental,' creating a unique and realistic visual representation of fire - Link

Investors announced they discovered financial inconsistencies in Indian health startup Mojocare, coming just days after the company laid off a majority of its employees (~150 employees) - Link

The UK government appointed tech founder Ian Hogarth to lead its recently formed AI taskforce; Hogarth co-founded SongKick, which was acquired by Warner Music in 2017 - Link

SpaceX launched a telecom satellite in partnership with Indonesia as part of a $540M project to provide internet to remote areas in the country; ~65% of Indonesia's population currently uses the internet - Link

This Week in Startups

Trovata - Use code TWIST for 30% off one year of premium features, like AI forecasting

Embroker - Use code TWIST to get an extra 10% off insurance

Eight Sleep - Check out the Pod Cover and get $150 off at checkout!